Crafting Quality Custom Leather Goods in Northern Arizona
Date: 09/24/2021
At Ridge Leather Co. nestled in the heart of a serene Prescott Arizona, craftsmanship comes to life as a husband and wife team work together to create Custom Leather Goods. What started as a Hobby quickly became a Passion. Meet Taylor & Lucas, the dynamic duo behind Ridge Leather Co. Both have years of experience practicing this craft and proven expertise in leatherwork. Drawn to the tranquility of this mountain town, Taylor & Lucas established Ridge Leather Co. as a homage to their young Son Kai Ridge. Their dedication to this art is evident in each stroke of well-worn tools, as they meticulously bring raw pieces of leather to life. Lucas is Taylor’s equally skilled partner and a creative force in his own right, complements Taylor with his eye for design and attention to detail.
Taylor & Lucas understand that personalization is key, infusing every product with a genuine sense of individuality that sets Ridge Leather Co. apart.
May the mountains inspire and the leather endure,
Ridge Leather Co.